Mobility is central to our project.
- 2025. A three-month stay of Geordan Igouwe (Gabon) at ENS Paris to attend courses, fully funded by ENS Paris and AUF. January 1st to March 31.
- 2024. Karim Sankara (Burkina Faso) is the recipient of a high-level scientific grant from the French Embassy in Burkina Faso, for a 4-month stay in the University of Franche-Comté, Besançon. September 1 to December 31, 2024.
- 2024. Tony Ezome has been awarded a travel grant by the University of Groningen in the Netherlands to visit the algebra group in June.
- 2024. Visit in Besançon by Roslan Ibara (Republic of Congo) from April 1 to May 30 – funded by AFRIMath and the EIPHI Graduate School. He also has been awarded by the Roman Number Theory Association and by PARI/GP with a funding to attend the The eighth mini symposium of the RNTA.
- 2023. Visit in ENS Libreville by Brice Miayoka (Rep. Congo) and Ephraim Poncho-Kotey (Ghana), July and August – funded by the CNRS (REDGATE project).
- 2018-2023. Tony Ezome is a Regular Associate of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Italy.
- 2023. Tony Ezome has been awarded with a fellowship by the IHES (Paris) for a two-month stay.
- 2023. Brice Miayoka (Rep. Congo) has been selected by the scientific committee of the CIRM-CIMPA program to participate in the Thematic Month on Arithmetic and Information Theory at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM) in France from January 30 to March 3, 2023.
- 2023. Brice Miyaoka has been awarded with a fellowship by the Coimbra Group for a two-month stay in Utrecht University (October 1 to November 30), Netherlands.
- 2023. Visit in Besançon by Roslan Ibara from September 9 to November 30 – funded by the CNRS (REDGATE project), the EMS-CDC, the SPIM Doctoral School, and the Number Theory Thematic Network of CNRS.
- 2023. Visit in Besançon by Karim Sankara from February 20 to May 17 – funded by AFRIMath, the CNRS (REDGATE project), and FEMTO-ST (Optics Department). He also has been awarded with a funding by the Roman Number Theory Association to attend the The Seventh Mini Symposium of the RNTA, and a conference at the CIRM.
- 2022. Visit in Besançon by Roslan Ibara from October 4 to November 20 – funded by the CNRS (REDGATE project) and the EIPHI Graduate School.
- 2021 and 2022. Mohamadou Sall (Senegal) has been awarded with a seven-month visiting fellowship to the school of Mathematics and Statistics at Carleton University, Canada, from September 2021 February 2022, to collaborate with Daniel Panario.