Our project follows on from the Pole of Research in Mathematics and Applications in Africa (PREMA). Established in 2012 and hosted at USTM in Franceville, Gabon, PREMA is a network of about sixty African mathematicians spread across several countries: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Gabon, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Chad, Tunisia,… It promotes the development in Central Africa of master’s and doctoral programs of high-quality and research in mathematics around four identified topics, one of them including algebraic geometry, number theory, and their applications to information theory. The PREMA network has received support from the Simons Foundation and has already organized several mathematical events and schools in Africa and France. Tony Ezome is the lead researcher of this network. See T. Ezome’s presentation of PREMA’s activities to the CNRS.
Our project is also in line with the “Number Theory and Information Theory” node of the CNRS International Research Network, AFRIMath, which is one of the four research axes of this network. The program of this node of AFRIMath was initially drafted by C. Armana, T. Ezome and C. Maire.
Finally, among the five coordinators of this project, three of them are also members of the CIMPA (Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées) and have taken part in several activities organized by the CIMPA (CIMPA Schools, CIMPA Courses, African Mathematical Schools,…). Cécile Armana will be also a member of the Governing Board of CIMPA starting from 2025.